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PRAYER WEEK at Overflow


This week, from Monday 14th of October,  we would love to invite you to come with us on a journey to go deeper in prayer.

As we launch into Term 4, Prayer Week is a time for us to grow closer in connection and conversation with our Heavenly Father and with each other. 

We don't want to do anything in our own strength and without talking to, listening, and following God's guidance and direction first!

Prayer remains a key theme as we launch into learning more about listening to and following God's voice to demonstrate His kindness, everyday, wherever we are. 

From Monday to Friday we invite you to enjoy 30-60 minutes in prayer each day.You can do this at any time that suits you during your day. You can pray individually, or together with family or friends. If it suits, you are also welcome to join us in praying together from 9:30-10:30AM each weekday in our Overflow Care building (next to our community gardens)

We want to bless and encourage you with a short teaching video from Peter Greig, who launched the first 24/7 prayer movement. 


Pete Greig talks about breaking prayer down into four simple and helpful steps (try it out for yourself):

P - Pause. Take the time to breathe and focus your attention on God.

R - Rejoice. Thank God for who He is and what He has done! 

A Ask. Bring all that's on your heart and your mind to your Father. Ask Him for help and give your requests and concerns over to Him.

Y - Yield (or "Yes!") Listen to God, allow Him to speak peace and comfort into life's circumstances. Follow His direction and gentle guidance for next steps. 

We want to be united in prayer and focused on things we feel God is wanting us to pray for in this season. 

Each day, we invite you to pray with us into:

- requests for people personally and individually,

- requests for us as a wider Church family,

- and requests for our communities that we are involved in. 

On Monday, please join us in praying for:

- the physical, emotional and spiritual health of the people God has placed around you,

hearing and following God's voice individually and hearing God together as a Church family,

- and Medowie Christian School for God's blessing over all of the staff, students and families connected to the school.


On Tuesday, pray with us together for:

- our own families and relatives, to come to experience God's kindness in this season of life and to receive salvation through Jesus.

- the growth of community within the Alpha team and participants,

- and the prospering of other businesses that share our geographical site (the Keen Bean, Medowie Doctor's Surgery, Medowie Gymnastics and Life Unlimited). 


On Wednesday, we'll pray for:

- our friends and people we are connected to through social and recreational networks,

- the expanded impact of our Overflow Care (community services) and God's guidance as we seek a fresh vision for Overflow Care for 2025 and beyond.

- and the vulnerable members of our communities (widowed, fatherless, struggling financially etc.) for their protection, God's provision of resources needed and healthy relationships inlcuding people who can lead them towards Jesus.


On Thursday, our prayer focus will be:

people connected to our church family through workplaces, schools/education and other spheres of influence, that their eyes will be opened to the spiritual reality of God and a growing awareness of their spiritual hunger.

- growing connection between different age groups in events and activities that are happening with our church family, 

- opportunities to use the various gifts God has given us to demonstrate His kindness to people in our communities.


Then on Friday, please join us and pray for:

- the various leaders in our life - such as personal role models, leaders at work or school, government and/or council representatives,

- Overflow connect groups starting next week and inter-generational relationships to grow through Sunday gatherings and upcoming social events,

- and financial provision and unexpected blessings for families and businesses in and around our local areas.

Thank you so much for being a part of our prayer week for Term 4!

We are anticipating and expecting God to move in powerful ways.

Looking forward to hearing the testimonies of what God does in and through you during this unified time of prayer.

God bless you richly as you seek and spend time with Him, please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or stories of God's goodness!